
JDBC操作MySQL出现:This result set must come from a statement that was created with a result set type of ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE, ...的问题解决


spring boot 启动报:Composite-id class must implement Serializable: xxx错误


apache启动服务报错ServerRoot must be a valid directory


MySQL root账户密码设为“root”后执行命令提示ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.


关于YII框架Response content must not be an array的解决方法


子类继承父类时JVM报出Error:Implicit super constructor People() is undefined for default constructor. Must define an explicit constructor


LVM挂载失败mount: you must specify the filesystem type

代码星球 ·2021-01-23

ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must SET PASSWORD before executing this statement

重新设置一次密码 mysql>setpassword=password('root');QueryOK,0rowsaffected(0.00sec)...
代码星球 ·2021-01-23

根本上解决npm install 报错“ajv-keywords@3.4.0 requires a peer of ajv@^6.9.1 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.“

每次项目npminstall的时候都报这个错误, 然后网上找的方法就把这个ajv重新安装下,感觉有点麻烦,后来有次我把npm更新了一下(我的版本是:6.1.0),更新到了最新版本,这个问题就咋也没出现过了,原来是npm版本的问题。查看自己的npm版本: npm-v 更新本机的npm到最新版...

The magic method __set() must have public visibility and cannot be static in

错误信息就是这个:Themagicmethod__set()musthavepublicvisibilityandcannotbestatic 最佳答案 __set必须是public访问权限.并且不能定义成静态方法.把private改成public即可....
代码星球 ·2020-12-19

Application package 'AndroidManifest.xml' must have a minimum of 2 segments.


VOA学习-South Sudan Must Allow Aid


The reference to entity "characterEncoding" must end with the ';'

在配置数据库连接池数据源时,本来没有错误,结果加上编码转换格式后eclipse突然报错:这是怎么回事?经过查询,发现这个错误其实很好解决。首先,原因是:.xml文件中‘&’字符需要进行转义!!!看到这里,其实已经恍然大悟,那么,这个字符‘ & &r...

mysql5.7初始化密码报错 ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before


E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. 爆错解决办法

author :headsenchendate:2019-06-06 10:09:06root@ubuntu:~#apt-getremovejava-1.8.0-openjdkE:dpkgwasinterrupted,youmustmanuallyrun'dpkg--configure-a'toco...