ORA-16626: failed to enable specified database


ORA-16626: failed to enable specified database

Cause: This status was returned when attempting to enable a standby database that:
– Could not locate itself in the broker configuration file.
– Failed to distinguish itself from two or more databases in the configuration file.
– Determined it missed a role change within the configuration.

Action: To correct the problem, try one of these actions:
– Confirm that the host and SID names for the database exactly match the values in the HOST_NAME and INSTANCE_NAME columns of V$INSTANCE.
– Confirm that there are not two or more databases with the same connect identifier. That is, multiple databases in the broker configuration should not reach the same database.
– If a failover had been performed and the old primary database has been re-created (or a standby database has been re-created), make sure the Data Guard broker configuration files have been removed for that database. Do NOT remove the configuration files that are in use by the new primary database.

ORA-16626 错误表明数据库的部署或更改失败。


ORA-16626: 该数据库无法启用指定的数据库。



ORA-16626 错误一般出现在对数据库或服务器节点更改时。更改可能包括:创建新的数据库实例或在现有实例上安装新特性,如高可用性或数据库可扩展性。


1. 首先,检查创建数据库或更改的具体错误,位于Oracle错误日志中。

2. 根据错误仔细检查硬件和软件环境,保证其符合Oracle安装和使用的要求。

3. 如果以上都验证通过,可能是Oracle数据库在初始化或更新时出现了问题,可以运行恢复脚本来尝试解决。

4. 当发现有数据库正在运行时,可以尝试升级它来解决问题。

5. 尝试使用“alter system set restart_services=true sid=’*’ scope=both;” 将所有服务重新启动,并在更改完成后重新启动服务,可能会解决这个故障。

6. 如果上述方法仍然不能解决问题,请尝试联系Oracle客户支持以获取进一步的帮助。
