ORA-08463: overflow converting decimal number to Oracle number
Cause: The output variable passed to a UTL_PG RAW_TO_NUMBER was not large enough to hold the Oracle number resulting from the input decimal number.
Action: Be sure that the input decimal number is valid, and besure that the output variable is large enough to hold the Oracle number value.
ORA-08463错误提示:overflow converting decimal number to Oracle number,表示在从浮点数(即DECIMAL NUMBER)转换为Oracle数据类型(NUMBER)时溢出错误。
例如,当执行SELECT CAST(123.44444444444444444444 AS NUMBER) FROM dual;时,由于数据转换后可能会超出NUMBER最大位数,就会出现ORA-08463:overflow converting decimal number to Oracle number。
1. 使用TO_NUMBER()函数指定要转换操作数的精度,从而可以避免溢出错误。
2. 使用相对比较低精度操作数来完成转换,从而让操作数��去一部分小数位,从而可以避免溢出错误。