ORA-27624: Smart I/O failed because the number of reconnects to the cell “string” exceeded the maximum allowed “string”.


ORA-27624: Smart I/O failed because the number of reconnects to the cell “string” exceeded the maximum allowed “string”.

Cause: The number of reconnects to a cell exceeded the maximum allowed. This problem indicates a possible network problem or a software problem on the cell.

Action: If the cellsrv is being restarted repeatedly, in a short interval, check the system load. The problem may be corrected by rebooting the cell. If the system is not overloaded, the repeated restarts are likely due to software problem. Report the problem to Oracle Support Services along with alert log and trace files. If the cellsrv is not restarting, the problem may be in the IB network. Check the network between the host and all the cells.

该Oracle错误ORA-27624代表的是Smart I/O失败,因为连接到单元格的重新连接次数超过了最大允许的重新连接次数。具体的官方解释如下:

ORA-27624是由 Oracle 报告的一个错误编码,表明由于重新连接到单元格的尝试次数超过了允许的最大值,因此Smart IO失败。

这是一个常见错误,通常由Oracle网络问题或 Internet运营商问题引起。网络问题又可以分为:网络延迟、干扰或不可靠的连接。


1. 首先,应检查Oracle数据库服务器和客户端之间的网络连接,并确保连接是稳定可信的。

2. 接下来,请检查Oracle网络服务的状态和侦听程序是否正在运行。

3. 确保相应的TNSNAMES.ORA文件存在并完整无误,以免发生网络连接错误。

4. 最后,应根据要求为数据库重新设置网络参数,以便使其达到最佳性能。
