ORA-00038: Cannot create session: server group belongs to another user


ORA-00038: Cannot create session: server group belongs to another user

Cause: An attempt was made to create a non-migratable session in a server group that is owned by a different user.

Action: A server group is owned by the first user who logs into a server in the server group in non-migratable mode. All subsequent non-migratable mode logins must be made by the user who owns the server group. To have a different user login in non-migratable mode, the ownership of the server group will have to be changed. This can be done by logging off all current sessions and detaching from all existing servers in the server group and then having the new user login to become the new owner.


Error Code: ORA-00038

English Message: “Cannot create session: server group belongs to a different user”


常见案例:当您尝试在Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)环境中使用不正确的用户名或密码创建会话时,可能会遇到此错误。


  1. 检查您正在使用的用户名和密码是否正确。

  2. 确保您正在连接到正确的数据库实例。

  3. 如果您正在尝试使用共享帐户登录,请确保您具有对该帐户的访问权限。

  4. 如果问题仍然存在,请检查RAC环境配置是否正确。


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