ORA-22856: cannot add columns to object tables
Cause: An attempt was made to add columns to an object table. Object tables cannot be altered to add columns since its definition is based on an object type.
Action: Create a new type with additional attributes, and use the new type to create an object table. The new object table will have the desired columns.
ORA-22856: 不能在对象表中添加列。
ORA-22856: 在对象表中添加列时发生错误。对象表是表格和该表格中的数据类型之间映射的表。它以ORACLE OBJECT视图形式显示。
ORA-22856: 错误通常发生在在ORACLE OBJECT TABLE上尝试添加字段时,例如,尝试:
SQL> ALTER TABLE my_obj_tab ADD (my_newcolumn VARCHAR2(10));
1.首先确认此表是否是对象表格,或者说它以ORACLE OBJECT视图的形式存在。
4.执行ALTER TABLE语句添加新字段。