
Real-Time Clock

RTE — Real-Time Enterprise

RTL — Right-to-Left

RTOS — Real Time Operating System

RTP — Real-time Transport Protocol

RTS — Ready To Send

RTSP — Real Time Streaming Protocol


SaaS — Software as a Service

SAN — Storage Area Network

SAR — Search And Replace[1]

SATA — Serial ATA

SAX — Simple API for XML

SBOD — Spinning Beachball of Death

SBP-2 — Serial Bus Protocol 2

sbin — superuser binary

SBU — Standard Build Unit

SCADA — Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

SCID — Source Code in Database

SCM — Software Configuration Management

SCM — Source Code Management

SCP — Secure Copy

SCPI — Standard Commands for Programmable Instrumentation

SCSI — Small Computer System Interface

SCTP — Stream Control Transmission Protocol

SD — Secure Digital

SDDL — Security Descriptor Definition Language

SDI — Single Document Interface

SDIO — Secure Digital Input Output

SDK — Software Development Kit

SDL — Simple DirectMedia Layer

SDN — Service Delivery Network

SDP — Session Description Protocol

SDR — Software-Defined Radio

SDRAM — Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory

SDSL — Symmetric DSL

SE — Single Ended

SEAL — Semantics-directed Environment Adaptation Language

SEI — Software Engineering Institute

SEO — Search Engine Optimization

SFTP — Secure FTP

SFTP — Simple File Transfer Protocol

SFTP — SSH File Transfer Protocol

SGI — Silicon Graphics, Incorporated

SGML — Standard Generalized Markup Language

SHA — Secure Hash Algorithm

SHDSL — Single-pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line

SIGCAT — Special Interest Group on CD-ROM Applications and Technology

SIGGRAPH — Special Interest Group on Graphics

SIMD — Single Instruction, Multiple Data

SIMM — Single Inline Memory Module

SIP — Session Initiation Protocol

SIP — Supplementary Ideographic Plane

SISD — Single Instruction, Single Data

SLED — SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop

SLES — SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

SLI — Scalable Link Interface

SLIP — Serial Line Internet Protocol

SLM — Service Level Management

SLOC — Source Lines of Code

SPMD — Single Program, Multiple Data

SMA — SubMiniature version A

SMB — Server Message Block

SMBIOS — System Management BIOS

SMIL — Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language

S/MIME — Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

SMP — Supplementary Multilingual Plane

SMP — Symmetric Multi-Processing

SMS — Short Message Service

SMS — System Management Server

SMT — Simultaneous Multithreading

SMTP — Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SNA — Systems Network Architecture

SNMP — Simple Network Management Protocol

SOA — Service-Oriented Architecture

SOE — Standard Operating Environment

SOAP — Simple Object Access Protocol

SoC — System-on-a-Chip

SO-DIMM — Small Outline DIMM

SOHO — Small 
