ORA-26036: subpartition load specified but table string is not subpartitioned
Cause: The Loader control file contains a PARTITION clause but the table being loaded is not subpartitioned.
Action: Remove the subpartition specification from the SQL*Loader control file and retry the load.
ORA-26036 错误是由于试图在非分区表上执行子分区加载操作引起的。
ORA-26036: subpartition load specified but table string is not subpartitioned
Cause: Attempt was made to do a subpartition load into a non-partitioned table
Action: Remove the SUBPARTITION clause from the load statement in order to continue
2. 如果不打算使用分区表,则要求在加载数据时删除SUBPARTITION子句。
本文标签:ORA-26036 subpartition load specified but table string is not subpartitioned
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