ORA-14195: ALLOCATE STORAGE may not be specified for RANGE or LIST partitioned object


ORA-14195: ALLOCATE STORAGE may not be specified for RANGE or LIST partitioned object

Cause: User specified ALLOCATE STORAGE clause in ALTER TABLE/ALTER INDEX statement issued against a range-partitioned index which is illegal.

Action: Remove the illegal option. If it is desired to add storage to individual partitions, ALLOCATE STORAGE clause may be specified with ALTER TABLE/INDEX MODIFY PARTITION statement.

ORA-14195错误是由于当使用RANGE或LIST分区方式划分对象时无法使用ALLOCATE STORAGE指令,Oracle引擎会报出ORA-14195错误。系统报出ORA-14195错误时,需要检查分区的使用方式,如果是RAnge或List的分区方式,就没有必要指定ALLOCATE STORAGE指令,只需要取消ALLOCATE STORAGE指定后重新执行即可。
