ORA-40023: sufficient memory could not be allocated given the number of attributes
Cause: Unable to allocate sufficient memory to create a model capable of producing confidence bounds on predictions because there were too many attributes or there were high cardinality categorical attributes, or both, in the build data.
Action: Reduce the number of attributes, especially high cardinality categoricals, or enable ridge regression.
ORA-40023: sufficient memory could not be allocated given the number of attributes是Oracle数据库异常,表示无法根据属性数量分配足够内存。
一般情况:ORA-40023 错误是由于内存不足的警告,它通常发生在做一些大操作或者执行复杂查询时,比如 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM XX 。
select id, name, email, phone, address, create_user, create_time, update_user, update_times, deleted, deleted_time from orders;