ORA-41701: conditions table with a rule class association cannot be truncated or dropped
Cause: An attempt was made to truncate or drop a conditions table when one or more rule classes are associated to it through the event structure.
Action: Drop the rule class before truncating or dropping the conditions table.
SQL> truncate table ConditionTable;
SQL> Select *
2 From all_rule_set_objects
3 Where object_type = ‘COND_TABLE’
4 And object_name = ‘ConditionTable’;
OBJECT_NAME RULE_SET_NAME —————————— —————————— conditionTable RuleSet1
SQL> execute dbms_rlmgr.unassociate_rule_set (‘ConditionTable’,’RuleSet1′);
SQL> logoff;
SQL> truncate table ConditionTable;