ORA-00269: specified log file is part of thread string not string


ORA-00269: specified log file is part of thread string not string

Cause: The given redo log file is not part of the given thread

Action: Check that the thread of the redo log file matches the thread on the command line. If not, use a redo log file from the appropriate thread. Retry the command after correcting the error.

ORA-00269 is an Oracle Database error message indicating that a thread of a redo log cannot be read.

The full text of the error message is:

ORA-00269: specified log file string is part of thread string not of thread string

This error indicates that an invalid thread was specified when attempting to access an archived log file. Each thread is associated with a unique file name. When attempting to read a file using a thread that does not match the file’s name, this indicates that the wrong thread was specified.

Some common causes for this error are:

• An attempt was made to access an archived log file using the wrong thread number.

• Attempts to read an archived log file failed because the thread associated with the file was not specified correctly.

• An attempt to access an archived log file that does not exist in the correct thread was made.

To resolve this error, the correct thread number must be specified when accessing archived log files. Additionally, be sure to verify that the correct file exists and is available in the correct thread.
