ORA-02217: duplicate storage option specification
Cause: A storage option (INIITAL, NEXT, MINEXTENTS, MAXEXTENTS, PCTINCREASE) is specified more than once.
Action: Specify all storage options at most once.
ORA-02217是由于在 CREATE TABLE 语句,其中Storage选项存储已经被定义过,而再次被重复定义 ,会引起ORA-02217错误。
ORA-02217: duplicate storage option specification
Cause: A storage option was specified twice in the same CREATE TABLE statement.
Action: Remove at least one occurrence of the duplicate storage option.
1. 确保在CREATE TABLE语句中只有一个表存储选项。
2. 删除其中的重复指定语句,确保一个TABLE只有一个存储选项。