ORA-38496: Expression Filter index is not in a valid state


ORA-38496: Expression Filter index is not in a valid state

Cause: An attempt was made to REBUILD an Expression Filter index that was not valid.

Action: Use DEFAULT keyword in the parameters clause to rebuild the index from defaults or drop and recreate the index.


1. 尝试在使用时创建表达式过滤器索引的表上执行DML操作。

2. 使用过滤器表达式索引返回了不正确的查询结果。


“ORA-38496: Expression Filter index is not in a valid state

Cause: Expression filter failed validation, due to runtime error, out of memory condition, statistics inconsistency, or internal predefined limit.

Action: Fix the problem before creating or using the index. Contact Oracle Support if necessary.


1. 确定表达式过滤器索引的表正确地定义,检查任何建议的索引定义是否正确。

2. 检查表上的统计信息是否有效。

3. 如果发生内存问题,查看内存参数是否设置正确,以及是否有足够的内存来支持表达式过滤器索引。

4. 如果不确定根本原因,请联系Oracle支持。
