ORA-28584: heterogeneous apply internal error
Cause: The apply slave process encountered an error while trying to apply changes through a gateway to a non-Oracle system.
Action: Make sure that the apply database link is correctly configured and that the gateway listener and the non-Oracle system are correctly set up and are up and running. If everything is configured correctly and the problem still occurs, contact Oracle customer support. errors 28590 – 28599 are reserved for the HS agent control utility
ORA-28584: 异构应用内部发生错误
1.检查Oracle Heterogeneous Services服务的配置文件的 HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL=OFF,它必须是关闭的。如果不是,那么将它设置为OFF,重新启动服务
2.检查其它Oracle Heterogeneous Services配置参数,以确保执行中没有错误配置
3.检查Heterogeneous Services日志文件,如果存在,请确保存在正确的客户端系统和数据库组件,以防止此错误发生
4.如果正在从应用程序连接Oracle数据库,请检查应用程序查找路径,确保它能正确访问和使用Oracle Heterogeneous Services客户端驱动程序。