ORA-24064: propagation for QUEUE string and DESTINATION string already enabled
Cause: An ENABLE_SCHEDULE_PROPAGATION command was issued for a queue and destination pair whose propagation schedule already was enabled.
Action: Make sure the QUEUE and DESTINATION are correct when you issue the ENABLE_SCHEDULE_PROPAGATION command.
这是Oracle 12c Release 1 (12.1)的一个消息回显错误,表示用户已经为队列和目标启用了传播,但只有当传播不存在时,才能成功创建。
ORA-24064: 这是一个消息回显错误,提示队列和目标指定的传播已经存在并且启用了。
您可以通过以下PL / SQL查询display_enabled_propagations函数来查看哪些传播被启用了:
SELECT * FROM dbms_aqadm.display_enabled_propagations;
本文标签:string ORA-24064 propagation for QUEUE and DESTINATION already enabled
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