ORA-14702: The partition number is invalid or out-of-range
Cause: Attempted to use nonnumerical value or the number was out of range of the partitions.
Action: Use a valid partition number.
ORA-14702:表示partition number无效或超出范围。
ORA-14702: The partition number is invalid or out-of-range.
Cause: A value was specified for the partition number that was either less than one or greater than the highest partition in the object.
Action: Specify a valid value.
在使用ALTER TABLE语句来修改表结构时,可能会出现ORA-14702错误。例如,当指定的分区号小于1或大于表中最高分区号时,就会出现这个错误。
(1) 查看失败语句,确定出现错误的原因;
(2) 修改指定分区号,确保其值不大于表中最高分区号,并大于等于1;
(3) 重新执行ALTER TABLE语句,检查是否成功;