ORA-26026: unique index string.string initially in unusable state


ORA-26026: unique index string.string initially in unusable state

Cause: A unique index is in IU state (a unique index cannot have
* index maintenance skipped via SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES).

Action: Either rebuild the index or index partition, or use
* SKIP_INDEX_MAINTENANCE if the client is SQL*Loader.



ORA-26026: unique index string.string initially in unusable state

Cause: An attempt was made to create an index with the UNIQUE modifier, but due to duplicate values, the index had to be created as initially unusable.

Action: Drop and recreate the index, being sure that the index key contains no duplicate values.


在使用sql create index语句为表创建唯一索引时,如果创建该索引时表中存在重复数据项,则会引发 ORA-26026,这是因为唯一索引不允许有重复数据项,有重复的索引会失效,因此创建时会被创建为不可用的状态。


1. 首先先用分析函数或者其他方法确定存在重复数据项;

2. 根据实际情况把表中重复的数据项更新或者删除;

3. 利用drop index 删除已存在的唯一索引;

4. 再次利用create index重新创建一个唯一索引。
