ORA-45907: instant restore of data file string failed
Cause: During an instant restore, it was not possible to initialize the destination data file. There might be other messages on the error stack or alert log or trace file that indicate the specific reason for the failure. One common reason for this message is that the instant restore feature is disabled in this database.
Action: Check the other messages. If the situation cannot be resolved then request a regular, not instant, restore.
1.当尝试从 Data Pump 中还原数据文件时,可能会出现ORA-45907错误。
2.当某个数据库中的文件被删除/损坏时,Data Pump 会尝试重建文件,但DB根据文件路径无法找到文件时,也会出现ORA-45907错误。
3.如果该文件已经存在,那么应该重新运行Data Pump来恢复存储在Data Pump中的文件,以确保数据的一致性;如果文件不存在,请使用 Data Pump 命令来生成新文件。
4.使用 Data Pump 将文件重新恢复到原始位置并重新运行 Data Pump 以完成恢复过程。