ORA-07236: slemop: open error.
Cause: Unable to open error file. Possible permissions problem.
Action: Verify permission on error message file. Check additional information for errno.
ORA-07236: slemop: open error是Oracle数据库服务器程序报出的一条错误消息,此错误表明尝试打开一个文件失败,常见的原因是文件不存在或文件属性不正确。
ORA-07236: slemop: open error
Cause: An attempt to open a file failed. The possible causes are a non-existent file, an incorrect filename, insufficient privileges, a missing or misplaced directory, or an incorrect file attribute.
Action: Determine what caused the problem, correct it, and then attempt the operation again.
当用户试图连接到Oracle数据库服务器时,可能会出现ORA-07236: slemop: open error错误。这一般是由于用户使用的用户名或密码不正确或用户没有足够的权限导致的。