ORA-00750: database has been previously mounted and dismounted
Cause: The instance has already mounted and dismounted the database, which is only allowed once in its lifetime.
Action: Shut down the database.
1. 进入sqlplus登录系统。
2. 使用“shutdown abort”命令关闭数据库,强行终止数据库,这种方式会将当前活动会话杀掉。
3. 使用“startup mount”命令将数据库挂载。
4. 验证是否挂载成功,使用“select open_mode from v$database;”命令能看到open_mode为“MOUNTED”。
5. 使用“alter database open”命令将数据库开启即可。
本文标签:ORA-00750 database has been previously mounted and dismounted
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