ORA-26563: renaming this table is not allowed
Cause: Attempt to rename a replicated table, an updatable materialized view table or the master table of a materialized view for which a materialized view log has beencreated.
Action: If desired, unregister the replicated table with dbms_repcat.drop_master_repobject, or use the recommended procedure to rename the master table of a materialized view.
ORA-26563: renaming this table is not allowed是数据库错误标识符,当尝试重命名表时出现这个错误,它是指数据库不允许重命名该表。
除此之外,您也可以使用Oracle数据字典视图来确定重命名表的冲突视图是什么。最后,您可以使用ALTER TABLE语句来更改表的名称。