ORA-23410: materialized view “string”.”string” is already in a refresh group
Cause: A materialized view of the same name is already in a refresh group.
Action: Subtract the materialized view from the current refresh group and add it to its new refresh group, or combine the two refresh groups into a single refresh group.
ORA-23410 错误表示被添加到给定刷新组的物化视图已经存在于该刷新组中。
Oracle Database 返回 ORA-23410 错误,当试图将物化视图添加到刷新组时,而该物化视图已经是该刷新组的一部分:
“ORA-23410 materialized view string.string is already in a refresh group”
1. 从刷新组中删除物化视图。
2. 修改物化视图。
3. 再次将物化视图添加到刷新组中。
本文标签:ORA-23410 materialized view #8220string #8221. #8221string #8221 is already in refresh
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