Message: %s
MySQL error number MY-013625, symbol ER_IB_UNABLE_TO_EXPAND_TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE_POOL and SQLSTATE HY000 is a general error that usually indicates a problem in the underlying server code or an issue with allocated resources.
The official error message of this issue is “Unable to expand the temporary tablespace pool”.
This error appears when the server, for reasons such as allocating too many temporary tablespaces or too few storage space for each table, is unable to create and extend the temporary tablespace pool. This can prevent users from running certain transactions until the problem is solved.
Common cases for this error to occur include having not enough available disk space to allocate for a new temporary tablespace, low disk I/O speed, or a damaged disk block.
The easiest and most efficient ways to solve this error are to check available disk space, test disk read and write speeds, and limit the number of temporary tablespace created from the server-side.
Creating a new temporary tablespace in a different disk or increasing the amount of existing disk space available are also possibilities to troublshoot this issue. When such measures are non-feasible or unfitting, using a clustered and deduplicated file system is a possible workaround.