- C# 中的特性(Attributes)-1
- C# 中的特性(Attributes)-2
- C# 中的特性(Attributes)-3
- C# 中的特性(Attributes)-4
我们将在接下来的内容中在我们的 Main 方法中加入 attribute 查询代码。
在接下来的代码中,我们先得到当前的进程名称,然后用Assembly类中的LoadForm()方法加载程序集,再有用GetCustomAttributes()方法得到被绑定至当前程序集的自定义attributes,接下来用foreach语句遍历所有attributes并试图把每个attribute转型为Help attribute(即将转型的对象使用as关键字有一个优点,就是当转型不合法时,我们将不需担心会抛出异常,代之以空值(null)作为结果),接下来的一行就是检查转型是否有效,及是不是为空,跟着就显示Help attribute的“Description”属性。
class QueryApp
public static void Main()
HelpAttribute HelpAttr;
//Querying Assembly Attributes
String assemblyName;
Process p = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
assemblyName = p.ProcessName + ".exe";
Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyName);
foreach (Attribute attr in a.GetCustomAttributes(true))
HelpAttr = attr as HelpAttribute;
if (null != HelpAttr)
Console.WriteLine("Description of {0}:
{1}", assemblyName,HelpAttr.Description);
Description of QueryAttribute.exe:
This Assembly demonstrates custom attributes creation and their run-time query.
Press any key to continue
查询类、方法、类成员的 Attributes
Type type = typeof(AnyClass);
class QueryApp
public static void Main()
Type type = typeof(AnyClass);
HelpAttribute HelpAttr;
//Querying Class Attributes
foreach (Attribute attr in type.GetCustomAttributes(true))
HelpAttr = attr as HelpAttribute;
if (null != HelpAttr)
Console.WriteLine("Description of AnyClass:
//Querying Class-Method Attributes
foreach(MethodInfo method in type.GetMethods())
foreach (Attribute attr in method.GetCustomAttributes(true))
HelpAttr = attr as HelpAttribute;
if (null != HelpAttr)
Console.WriteLine("Description of {0}:
//Querying Class-Field (only public) Attributes
foreach(FieldInfo field in type.GetFields())
foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(true))
HelpAttr= attr as HelpAttribute;
if (null != HelpAttr)
Console.WriteLine("Description of {0}:
The output of the following program is.
Description of AnyClass:
This is a do-nothing Class.
Description of AnyMethod:
This is a do-nothing Method.
Description of AnyInt:
This is any Integer.
Press any key to continue
- C# 中的特性(Attributes)-1
- C# 中的特性(Attributes)-2
- C# 中的特性(Attributes)-3
- C# 中的特性(Attributes)-4