ORA-60025: Event for temp segment cleanup used for temp lobs
Cause: Temp LOB segments used for temporary LOBs are deleted only on session exit which may lead to large amounts of memory being held across multiple sessions.
Action: Setting this event will cause temporary LOB segments to be freed when there are no active temporary LOBs in the session. Setting this event will have a significant performance impact as it can cause temporary lob segments to be allocated and deleted many times during a session rather than once per session. Use this event only when temporary LOB segment memory use is an issue.
ORA-600[25]:Event for temp segment cleanup used for temp lobs。表示当Oracle数据库用临时LOBs时,清除临时分段时可能会发生的错误。
当应用程序运行temp LOBs操作时,ORA-600[25]可能会出现。是因为Oracle无法清除相关的临时分段,从而导致Oracle报出这类错误。
1. 通过查看alert日志,查看具体的错误信息,了解具体的错误原因;
2. 查询v$session_longops系统视图,找出相应会话正在做的操作;
4. 错误消失后,重新运行该sql语句,确认解决问题;
5. 为了避免类似错误出现,可以在数据库上做相应优化,比如修改相关参数,或者优化应用程序等;