ORA-53802: cannot perform conformance validation because recursion level exceeds MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH
Cause: When evaluating the recursive constraint on the DICOM object, the number of levels of recursion exceeded the value of the MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH parameter that was defined in the preference document.
Action: Ensure that the constraint definition is correct. If necessary, increase the value of the MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH parameter that is defined in the preference document. Then, attempt the operation again.
ORA-53802: cannot perform conformance validation because recursion level exceeds MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH错误指的是并发验证时,递归水平超过了约定的最大递归深度。
oracle 数据库在执行并发验证时,如果触发内存堆栈中的递归深度超过约定的最大递归深度,则会抛出ORA-53802错误。
1. 首先要确定引发ORA-53802错误的功能模块或视图,也可以尝试修改这些功能模块或视图,以减少其中的内容,以防止递归出现过多内容。
2. 你可以通过修改_RECURSOR_PARALLEL_THREADS参数来减少并发时的递归深度,以避免ORA-53802错误。
3. 你也可以通过修改_RECURSOR_MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH参数来提高最大递归深度,以避免ORA-53802此错误。