ORA-28150: proxy not authorized to connect as client
Cause: A proxy user attempted to connect as a client, but the proxy was not authorized to act on behalf of the client.
Action: Grant the proxy user permission to perform actions on behalf of the client by using the ALTER USER … GRANT CONNECT command.
ORA-28150: proxy not authorized to connect as client错误表明建立的会话是由经过授权的proxy用户名及密码建立的,但是proxy没有被授权连接到客户端。
1.确认Oracle数据库是否正确配置proxy Authentication 机制:在sqlplus中 auth_session_proxy设置为 TRUE即可确认。
SQL> show parameter auth_session_proxy
2.确认要登录Oracle数据库用户是否具有”Connect Through“ 权限: 可以通过查询dba_role_privs表确认用户是否是 proxy_role。
SQL> select granted_role from dba_roleprivs where grantee=”;
SQL> select * from user_proxy_privs;
4.为要登录Oracle数据库的用户提供客户端访问权限:执行grant,给欲访问的数据库用户授予connect through权限。
SQL> grant connect through to ;