ORA-16206: database already configured as Logical Standby database
Cause: This database has been previously configured as a Logical Standby database. A Logical Standby database is not capable of processing the requested operation.
Action: Ensure that you entered the command on the correct database as this database is a Logical Standby and is not capable of servicing the request.
当尝试在此数据库上启动Data Guard Broker,但被返回此错误时,我们常常会遇到这个错误。
1. 首先,确认出现ORA-16206的错误的环境是否是可用的逻辑备库数据库;
2. 如果确认该数据库是可用的逻辑备库,则通过Data Guard Broker重新连接其虚拟数据库;
3. 如果确认该环境不是可用的逻辑备库,则需要将其连接到主数据库,并且可以正常地将它重新配置为物理或逻辑备库。