ORA-26879: “SET_ENQUEUE_DESTINATION” directive is not permitted on rules used by XStream outbound server “string”
Cause: One or more rules, used by the specified XStream outbound server, had SET_ENQUEUE_DESTINATION directive defined.
Action: Execute the following: 1) Execute query SELECT xr.rule_owner, xr.rule_name, xr.rule_set_owner, xr.rule_set_name FROM dba_apply_enqueue e, dba_xstream_rules xr WHERE e.rule_owner = xr.rule_owner AND e.rule_name = xr.rule_name AND xr.streams_name = ; 2) For each rule returned, execute DBMS_APPLY_ADM.SET_ENQUEUE_DESTINATION procedure to set the destination queue to null, or execute DBMS_RULE_ADM.REMOVE_RULE to remove that rule from its associated rule set.