ORA-23534: missing column in materialized view container table “string”.”string”
Cause: After import, the materialized view container table has missing columns.
Action: Check if materialized view container table was imported correctly.
ORA-23534: 缺少列错误通常指在创建物化视图时,即将被创建的物化视图与合法表中存在的列不匹配。
ORA-23534: missing column in materialized view container table string.string
Cause: Specified materialized view does not have a column that is in the legal table for this materialized view.
Action: Make sure that all of the necessary columns and their data types are included in the materialized view, and that the view’s definition is correct.
ORA-23534:缺少列错误经常发生在使用alter table添加新列后,试图创建具有此新列的物化视图,但是忘记在物化视图定义中实际加入该列,就会导致此错误。
本文标签:ORA-23534 missing column in materialized view container table #8220string #8221. #8221string
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