ORA-42018: partition cannot be redefined online because of index organization incompatibility
Cause: interim table is incompatible with partition being redefined because one or more of the following apply:
– one is index-organized and the other is not
– one has IOT overflow segment and the other does not
– one has IOT mapping table and the other does not
Action: Ensure that the interim table is compatible with the partition being redefined.
ORA-42018 表示索引组织不兼容,无法在线重新定义分区。
1.使用alter session set events ‘immediate trace name ORA-42018’语句,检查原因。
3.如果存在不兼容的索引,则需要用alter index命令重新定义不兼容的索引。
4.在离线模式下,使用alter table alter partition语句重新定义分区。