ORA-26842: Setting apply directive “string” is not permitted for XStream Outbound Server
Cause: An attempt was made to set an apply directive that was not applicable for XStream Outbound Server.
Action: Configure XStream Outbound Server using valid directives. Check the documentation for valid directives.
ORA-26842:对于XStream Outbound Server来说,不允许设置应用指令“字符串”。
ORA-26842异常消息指出,XStream Outbound Server不支持提供的指令。
当用户尝试将不兼容的指令添加到XStream Outbound Server中时,会出现ORA-26842异常。
ORA-26842异常的正常处理方法是更正指令语法,使其与XStream Outbound Server的属性和类型相匹配,然后重新运行指令。