ORA-32331: type “string”.”string” is incompatible with the master site


ORA-32331: type “string”.”string” is incompatible with the master site

Cause: A type used by the materialized view was found to be incompatible with its coressponding type on the master site. This could be because the type does not exist on the master site or has been evolved to a different version from that on the materialzied view site.

Action: Make sure that the types used by the materialized view are the same on both the materialized view and master sites.

ORA-32331 错误是由Advanced Replication报出的,它表示在master site和replicated site之间的类型不一致导致的。


ORA-32331: type “string”.”string” is incompatible with the master site

Cause: A replicated object contains a column with a type incompatible with the master site.

Action: Create the replicated object with an appropriate type at the master site and then at the replicated site.


在复制环境(通常是Oracle端)中,由于master site表中字段和replicated site表中字段的数据类型不一致,导致报出此错误。此时必须将主从端的字段同步,即将master site的字段的数据类型修改成与replicated site表字段的数据类型一致。


1、首先查看master site表和replicated site表的不一致字段,将这些字段的信息记录下来;

2、然后在master site和replicated site同步修改这些字段:将master site中的字段修改为与replicated site一致;


