ORA-10459: cannot start media recovery on standby database; conflicting state detected
Cause: An attempt was made to perform media recovery on a standby database while another instance was performing recovery on the standby database, had the standby database open, or a data file move operation was in progress.
Action: Close the standby on all other instances, cancel any conflicting recovery session or data file move operation, and perform manual recovery.
ORA-10459错误指示无法在备份数据库中开始媒体恢复,原因是检测到了冲突状态。 这是由于在同一时刻活动数据库和备份数据库中的状态不一致造成的,其中一个或两个数据库的时钟可能不同步。
ORA-10459: cannot start media recovery on standby database; conflicting state detected
Cause: Media recovery was requested on a standby database, but the supplied RBA and host name indicated a conflicting state.
Action: Check the standby database as to its readiness to begin media recovery and that host name and RBA are in sync with the primary database.
1.用show parameter name检查时钟,看看能否再次同步。
3.从Controlfile和Redo log中查看备份数据库是否准备就绪,可以运行媒体恢复。