ORA-56705: I/O calibration already in progress
Cause: An attempt was made to run a second instance of I/O Calibration
Action: Wait until the first I/O calibration run is complete; then, retry the operation.
1) 前期检查:检查报错ces会话id 用以下sql “ select sid,serial#,program from v$ sessions where program like “%IORM%”;
2) 打印对应程序call stack, 执行以下sql“SELECT ses.program, ses.module, ses.action, sqltext
FROM v$session ses , v$sqltext sql
WHERE ses.sql_hash_value = sql.HASH_VALUE
and sid= ‘&sid’
ORDER BY address, hash_value ;
3) 检查现象就可以具体看出是什么程序执行I/O calibration,是系统自动调整,还是脚本执行
4)如果是脚本,可以kill 对应程序