ORA-46010: The colValue of foreignKey of inheritedFrom “string” is too long.
Cause: The specified length for the colValue element of the foreignKey element of the inheritedFrom element in the DataSecurity policy document was greater than 32767.
Action: Limit the length of the colValue element of foreignKey element of inheritedFrom element to 32767.
1. 当使用”inheritedFrom”关键字动态插入字符串时,如果插入字符串超过了可接受的最大长度,将会引发ORA-46010错误。
2. 当新建表时,如果外键列的定义超过了可接受的最大长度,将会引发ORA-46010错误。
1. 确定外键列的可接受的最大长度,如果超过最大长度,就修改为正确的长度。
2. 检查使用”inheritedFrom”关键字动态插入的字符串,如果超过最大长度,就重新插入合适的字符串。
本文标签:of ORA-46010 The colValue foreignKey inheritedFrom #8220string #8221 is too long.
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