ORA-64308: hybrid columnar compressed table cannot have column with LONG data type


ORA-64308: hybrid columnar compressed table cannot have column with LONG data type

Cause: One of the following was attempted:
– Create a hybrid columnar compressed table with a LONG data type.
– Alter an existing table with a LONG data type to be hybrid columnar compressed.
– Add a LONG data type column to a hybrid columnar compressed table.

Action: LONG data types are not supported with hybrid columnar compressed tables. Create table without LONG column or change table to not be hybrid columnar compressed. If adding a column, do not use LONG data type. If modifying attributes of a column to change data type to LONG, the table cannot be hybrid columnar compressed.

错误ORA-64308: hybrid columnar compressed table不能有LONG数据类型的列。


一般情况:在使用ALTER TABLE语句为表数据引入Hybrid Columnar Compression时,如果表中存在LONG类型的列,你就会收到这个错误。



2.为表使用ALTER TABLE命令引入Hybrid Columnar Compression。
