ORA-46016: Number of columns of foreignKey does not match primaryKey.
Cause: The number of column elements within the foreignKey element did not match the number of column elements within the primaryKey element of the inheritedFrom element in the DataSecurity policy document. The colunm elements of foreignKey may be specified using either colName or colValue elements. The colunm elements of primaryKey may be specified using only colName elements.
Action: Ensure that the number of colunms of foreignKey matches the number of columns of primaryKey.
ORA-46016消息由异常情况: 当前数据库层正在处理的表中存在的外建约束中声明的列个数与其参照的主键的列个数不一致时引发。
3.如果必要,编辑 SQL 语句或外键约束的定义,以使外键约束中声明的外键和参照的主键的列数一致。
本文标签:of ORA-46016 Number columns foreignKey does not match primaryKey.
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