ORA-17518: backup file string cannot be found
Cause: Access to the specified backup file was required for Instant Restore.
Action: Make sure the path and file name are correct for the backup file and the path to the backup file can be accessed from the node of the instance.
ORA-17518错误消息通常出现在执行ALTER TABLE预定义的表空间级的恢复或块级拷贝恢复操作时,例如:
SQL> ALTER TABLE TABLESPACE specified_tablespace_name RECOVER TABLESPACE update_tablespace_name FROM backup_file_name;
侦测到ORA-17518错误消息的最佳处理方法是确认恢复操作所尝试使用的备份文件是否在其预期的位置中。如果备份文件不存在,则你可以从Oracle RMAN备份或其他地方获取此备份文件,然后将其移动到普通恢复备份时预期的位置,以便它可以被恢复操作识别。