ORA-12057: materialized view “string”.”string” is INVALID and must complete refresh
Cause: The status of the materialized view was INVALID and an attempt was made to fast refresh the materialized view.
Action: Perform a complete refresh of the materialized view. Check the value of the STATUS column in dba_mviews, all_mviews, or user_mviews to verify that the materialized view is VALID after the complete refresh.
ORA-12057: materialized view “string”.”string” is INVALID and must complete refresh是一个数据库错误,它指示使用的材料视图是无效的,并且必须完成刷新才能继续进行操作。
本文标签:ORA-12057 materialized view #8220string #8221. #8221string #8221 is INVALID and must
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