ORA-23355: object string.string does not exist or is invalid at master site
Cause: The given name was null or misspelled, the given type was wrong, the object does not exist as a valid database object at the master site, or the object does not exist as a replicated object with the appropriate status.
Action: Ensure the object is valid in the master database, and is visible to the user, and, if appropriate, is a valid object in all_repobject.
要解决这个错误,首先应根据报错信息确定该对象。 然后用查询测试该对象来验证是否可用,并作出相应的处理(如重新创建或恢复)。 此外,应检查复制连接。 如果复制连接有效,那么还应检查日志状态,如果存在问题,则需要恢复和重新定义复制对象以解决这个问题。