ORA-31427: publication string already subscribed
Cause: The subscription already contained this publication.
Action: Check the values of subscription_name and publication_id. Check any other subscribe calls to see if they subscribe to columns that are shared among more than one publication on the same source table. Do not attempt to subscribe to the same publication more than once in the same subscription. Use the publication_id variant of the SUBSCRIBE call if needed to specify precise publications.
ORA-31427: publication string already subscribed是指发布字符串已经订阅。
ORA-31427: 表示指定的发布字符串已经订阅。
1. 打开可视化控制台(VMC),导航到“管理”-> “可视化控制台”-> “发布和订阅”。在左侧栏中,找到“订阅者”。
2. 由订阅者名称,双击其条目以显示其属性,然后查看该订阅者的订阅关系。
3. 如果错误的字符串显示为已订阅,请尝试删除订阅以清除错误消息。可以从右键菜单或底部窗口订阅选项卡中执行删除操作。
4. 如果问题仍然存在,请通过Oracle支持服务联系,以了解更多有关ORA-31427错误的详细信息和帮助信息。