ORA-29937: domain index cannot be system-managed


ORA-29937: domain index cannot be system-managed

Cause: An ASSOCIATE STATISTICS command was issued with a domain index which is system-managed.

Action: Check to see if the domain index has been implemented with system-managed storage tables. To associate statitics with a system-managed domain index, issue ASSOCIATE STATISTICS command with the indextype of this domain index.

ORA-29937: 域索引无法被系统管理



ORA-29937: domain index cannot be system-managed

Cause: A system-managed index could not be created or managed on the specified object.

Action: First, execute DROP INDEX to drop the index, if one exists. Then grant proper privileges to the owner of the index, if it is to be system-managed.


ORA-29937: domain index不能被系统管理,出现这个问题的常见情况是由于要创建的域索引不是属于系统表的,但是用户没有权限创建新索引。


1、检查要创建索引所属对象是否是系统表,如果是,则切换到sys用户,则可以创建索引:create index ON sys.table ()。

2、检查是否给要创建索引的表拥有权限:给要创建索引的表授予create index权限:grant create index to

3、如果仍然是ORA-29937,则可能需要检查一下有没有其他存在的index,如果有可能是其他index被加到表上,导致无法创建新的index:drop index ;这样就可以删除存在的index,然后再次尝试创建新的index。
