ORA-15073: diskgroup string is mounted by another ASM instance
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a diskgroup that is still mounted somewhere in the cluster by another instance.
Action: dismount the diskgroup from all nodes except the one performing the drop diskgroup command.
ORA-15073: diskgroup string is mounted by another ASM instance
1. 检查表示另一个ASM实例的现有进程和参数文件。
2. 如果存在另一个ASM实例,请检查该实例是否正在对所需的磁盘组进行挂载操作。
3. 重新启动该正在挂载磁盘组的ASM实例。
4. 然后重新尝试从现有数据库中删除该ASM磁盘组。