ORA-15088: diskgroup creation incomplete
Cause: A previous failure during diskgroup creation left the diskgroup in an inconsistent state.
Action: Issue DROP DISKGROUP … FORCE INCLUDING CONTENTS to clean up the failed creation, then re-create the diskgroup.
ORA-15088: diskgroup creation incomplete 这是一个Oracle数据库外部表空间管理错误。它表明磁盘组创建未完成,因此无法将表空间添加到该磁盘组中。
ORA-15088: diskgroup creation incomplete
Cause: An attempt was made to add a tablespace to a diskgroup which is in a creation incompletion state.
Action: Complete the diskgroup creation before adding a tablespace.
当使用SQLplus有关创建外部表空间语句而收到ORA-15088错误时,通常表明磁盘组创建未完成 cotdiwdition。其中一个可能是使用ASM,在磁盘组创建中发生错误,同时必须完成创建才能继续添加表空间。
3)使用ALTER DISKGROUP语法查找磁盘组状态,并根据需要在磁盘组创建完成之前继续创建磁盘组。