ORA-08440: raw buffer is too short to hold converted data
Cause: The output raw buffer passed to a UTL_PG NUMBER_TO_RAW conversion routine was not large enough to contain the results of the conversion based on the picture mask.
Action: Increase the raw buffer size to the size necessary to hold the entire result of the conversion.
ORA-08440 错误: raw buffer太短而无法容纳转换后的数据
1.确保raw buffer的大小满足特定的要求,以容纳转换后的数据。
3.使用DBMS_LOB Package中的API函数,确认Raw data的正确性。
5.建议使用Oracle 11g中的新特性,如多数据段存取、 DML过程中的绑定变量以及TLS字段类型来优化性能。