ORA-42023: compatibility of AQ table must be release 8.1.x or later
Cause: An attempt was made to perform online redefinition on an AQ table that was created with compatibility prior to release 8.1.x.
Action: Ensure that the AQ table is created with the COMPATIBLE parameter set to release 8.1.x or later before attempting online redefinition.
ORA-42023 错误指示了在创建不同版本(低于 8.1.x)上使用Streams/AQ时可能出现的兼容性问题,简而言之,这意味着必须使用8.1.x版本,及以上才能在数据库中使用Streams/AQ。
1. 将Oracle升级到8.1.x或更高版本。