ORA-38851: cannot mark the current instance (redo thread) as disabled
Cause: The standby switchover or failover operation failed because it needs to mark the current instance (redo thread) as disabled.
Action: Shut down this instance and start up using a different instance name or redo thread number and retry.
ORA-38851错误表示,未能将当前实例(或重做线程)标记为禁用。 定义此错误时,Oracle服务器将异常出错,并显示ORA-38851错误。
ORA-38851错误通常会在试图对Oracle数据库的实例(或重做线程)进行禁用时发生。 这个错误的常见原因是必须有一个可用的重做线程。 要禁用实例或重做线程,必须满足以下两个条件: