ORA-07459: cannot restore the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN parameter


ORA-07459: cannot restore the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN parameter

Cause: An attempt was made to internally restore the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN parameter to the value before it was internally set. This failed because the current plan was set by the user and therefore did not need to be restored.

Action: No action needed.

这是一个Oracle数据库的错误,它表明无法恢复RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN参数(Resource Manager计划)。


ORA-07459:cannot restore the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN parameter


Cause: An attempt was made to restore a Resource Manager plan by connecting to the server, but the plan was already restored by another session.

Action: No action is required.


这个错误通常发生在尝试连接到服务器并尝试恢复Resource Manager计划,但是另一个会话已经恢复了该计划。


此错误通常不需要任何操作,不需要采取任何措施。然而,用户应该检查其正在连接的服务器,以确保该错误不会发生在其他情况下。如果该错误是由其他会话恢复Resource Manager计划而引起的,则可以忽略此消息。
